January 20th, 2011 at 12:05 am By bruno
I buy and i can choose one game? Thanks!
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HIS has won over 1700 awards with AMD graphic solutions from major media worldwide.
" Using the control panel of the Catalyst drivers we could push the core to 870 MHz (the maximum allowed) and memory to 1360 MHz for gains of 24 and 18% compared to the original frequencies... With such frequency you hands two cards faster than HD 5770 Crossfire and overclocked should help you navigate the same waters that Radeon HD 5870 ... " - Reviews by Revioo

" The design is really whisper quite which for so many people is the most important feature. If you want a card that performs well at 1680 x 1050 with detail settings at high or even 1920 x 1200 with the detail dropped to medium, the HD 5750 is a great card. " - HIS 5750 IceQ+ was granted the Must Have Award from Tweaktown
HIS 5750 IceQ+ earned 4.5 stars out of 5 in SVM Magazine Review

" 核芯在空閒/高負載時溫度更只有39/68°C,表現己屬中上水平......超頻能力表現不錯,輕鬆便達至920/5280MHz的高時眽,效能更全面超越高一階的HD5770 " Computer Pro-User Silver Award

" As such overclocking overall with the HIS 5750 ICEQ+ was a grand experience. We started at 700 MHz, yet ended at 860 MHz on the core clock frequency (with no added additional voltage on the GPU). The memory behaved charmingly as well, at standard it's clocked at 1150, we easily lifted it towards 1380 MHz which is 5520 MHz effective (gDDR5). In total that added another 15% to 20% free performance to this product. " - Guru3D Great Value Award
" The HIS HD5750 is a great card for around $140. It can handle many of the popular games out there and definitely holds its own against similarly priced Nvidia cards. If you plan on playing Crysis with it you'll have to turn the graphics down a notch or two. This is an excellent card choice for multimedia and HD movie watching. The built in HDMI adapter was a nice addition. Dirt 2 and a gamer toolkit come bundled with the card as well. " HIS 5750 IceQ+ reviewed by Christcentered Gamer
" IceQ+ expel warm air outside the box, which improves the opportunities for overclock and reduces noise " - HIS 5750 IceQ+ scores 4.5 stars in PC Mania Review
" 而HIS特色的ICEQ散熱器,讓散熱器噪音並不大的前提之下,能夠將溫度壓制在還不錯的範圍之內,而短卡長的設計,讓空間不大的使用者也能夠有十分合理的效能,總體而言,HIS HD5750 ICEQ+在表現上算是非常不錯的。"
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